Update a product's settings

When setting up a product in Wholechain, there are certain universal details you're prompted to set (i.e. product name and unit of measure). In many cases, there are additional product details you might want to capture in each event record with Master Data. This could be to comply with certain certification standards, EPCIS, or just for your internal records. Here's how to update your product's details and add custom Master Data attributes to any product:

  1. Navigate to the Products page from the left-side menu
  2. Click on the product that you would like adjust and click the View Settings tab Product Data: 

    To update the product name or edit the product’s GTIN or other primary identifier, click Edit under the heading “Master Data". Once you’ve made the necessary changes, click Save. 

  3. To add Data Attributes, scroll down to the Attributes table, and click Add on the bottom left hand side of the table. You'll be prompted to fill out the attribute details. Attribute refers to the name of the detail. Element ID simply indicates how the attribute will appear in each event record's data. Value refers to what the attribute is for the product. Once you finish, click Add Attribute.
  4. Product Details: To edit product details such as traceability type and units of measure, make the appropriate changes under the product details section
  5. Data Sharing: To make changes to data sharing, click the circle next to the type of data sharing you want to use. Product Sharing and Inventory Access are enterprise features that are not enabled in most accounts, so please reach out to support@wholechain.com for support if you are utilizing them

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