Confirm a company in your Network

Confirming a company in your Network is essentially accepting their invitation to connect with you. Once you confirm the request, you'll be able to share products, templates and locations with them, as well as log Ship and Receive events between your company and theirs. Any company you've invited to connect with will need to do the same in their account in order for them to be added to your Network. 

When a company invites you to connect, you'll receive an email notification. Click the link in the email to accept the invite, or if you're in Wholechain, simply navigate to the Network page on the left-side menu.
Click on name of the company you want to confirm. You can tell if the company needs confirmation by the orange "Pending" label to the right of the companies name
Click on Confirm Request. You'll now see the company listed in your Network list with the status "Confirmed," and vice versa

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