Share a template with a company in your Network

Paramount to effective data collection across supply chain stakeholders is the ability to have consistency in the key data elements (KDE's) collected. For this reason Wholechain makes it easy to not only create custom templates, but to share them with companies in your Network along the supply chain.

A few notes about sharing templates in Wholechain:

  • Shared template changes: If you've created a template (you're the Editor) and already shared it with other companies in your Network, any changes you make to the template will automatically change the template for them too.
  • Sharing templates that were shared with you: You cannot share a template that was shared with you - the original editor has to share it directly with companies in their Network. That being said, you can make a duplicate of a template, give it a new name, and then edit and share as your own template.
  • Sharing templates with multiple companies: You can only share 1 template at a time, but you can share it with as many companies as you like.
  • Duplicating a template: If a template is shared with you and you'd like to make changes to it, the best way is to duplicate that template, and then you'll become the template's Owner and can make any changes you'd like. 
  • Defined Attributes: When you share a template with a company in your network, the Defined Attributes included in that template are not transferred over to your account unless you manually copy and add each attribute.

Here's how to share a template in Wholechain:

Navigate to the Templates page on the left-side menu
Select the template you'd like to share, and click Actions > Share. Alternatively, you can open an individual template using View/Edit button and click Actions > Share
When the sharing options screen appears, you'll see a field where you can enter the name of the company in your Network with whom you'd like to share the template. You'll also see a summary of who already has access to the template
Once you've added companies to share with, click Share. The template will appear in the recipient company's account in their Templates page. They'll only be a User, not an Editor on the template, and any changes you make to the template (as its editor) will reflect in their version too

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