How to Add a Document

Adding a document to Wholechain allows you to store and share important information regarding your products and supply chains. Once added, you have the ability to share your documents to other companies in your Network as well. 

  1. Navigate to the Documents page on the left-side menu
  2. Click Actions > Add Document
  3. A modal will appear in the middle of the screen indicating all the information you'll need to fill in. Here’s a quick summary of each of the fields:  
    • Document Title: The name you assign to a document can be anything that will help your team identify the document.
    • Company: From the dropdown menu, select the company that the document is relevant to. This can be yourself, another company in your Network, multiple companies in your Network or all the above. 
    • Location (Optional): If this is a document that only applies to a specific location (for example, a certified facility) you can include the location as part of the document’s metadata by selecting it here..
    • Tags (optional): Add any keywords that will help you find and recognize this document. 
    • Share with (Optional): Select what company you would like to share this document with (this will add this document to the receiving party’s Network Document page).
    • Expiration Date (Optional): You can set a date for when this document will expire.
    • Upload Document: Upload your document using the uploader (.pdf, .jpeg, .jpg)..
    • Blockchain: Select the blockchain that you want to record this document on. The document will be hashed and verifiable using the SHA256 protocol.
    • Private/Public: You will have to decide whether the document you are creating is Private or Public. If you decide to make the document Private, you will be prompted to make a password for the document link. If you select the document to be Public, anyone can view the document following the generated Document URL.
    • Certification: If this document is a certification, add the relevant certification data (following the GS1 EPCIS standard) which will be added to any event that includes this document.
      • Certification Standard: Name of the certification standard. Example: MSC
      • Certification Type: Choose between a .PDF, ID, or Website
      • Certification Agency: Name of the organization issuing the certification standard or other requirement being met. Example: Global Certification One AISBL
      • Certification Value: The certification standard value for the certified product, party or location. Example: Quality class 4
      • Certification ID: A reference (i.e, to a certificate instance) issued to confirm that a product, party or location has passed certification. Example: MSC-C-12345
Click Save and your document will be added under the Company Documents tab and written to the blockchain

Note: A purchase order is an example of a document that would be relevant for your own company and the other party involved. The document would then show up both in your Company Documents and Network Documents page.

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