Add a user to your company's account

The Settings page is where you can easily keep track of the users who have access to your Wholechain account, as well as where you can add or delete them. Depending on your plan with Wholechain you will be permitted to add a certain amount of team members. 

Navigate to the Settings page via the profile icon in the top right corner of Wholechain
From the Users and Permissions tab, click Add
In the modal that appears, enter the user's email address and select a role for them (read more about roles here)
Click Add. You'll notice the colleague's name appear in your Users list with their assigned role, as well as a Pending status. The user will receive a notification in their email that will prompt them to accept your invite. When they accept, they'll be guided to specify their login information to access the account, and their status in your Settings will change to Accepted.

Note: Each email can only be associated with a single Wholechain account. If you need your email associated with multiple accounts, or need to add users to your company's account, contact to adjust your plan.

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