Delete a user

If you want to remove a user from your Wholechain Account, either because they've left your business or you've decided to rearrange who manages your traceability, you can easily do so from your Users and Permissions table.

Navigate to the Settings page via the profile icon in the top right corner of Wholechain
Click the Users and Permissions tab, and then click on the Actions icon ( ⋯) to the right of the user's name. You'll see an option to Delete the user, whether or not the user has confirmed their account yet. 
Click Delete and you'll be asked to confirm the deletion. Once confirmed, the user will no longer be able to sign into their Wholechain account or create their login to access your business's Wholechain account.

Note: Admins and Owners cannot be deleted as team members. To delete those team members, you must first change their access level to "Employee."

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