Adding a New Company or Location to your Network

How To:

  1. Click on your Network tab. Select "Actions", "Add company location"
    1. If you're adding a new location to an existing company, select the company that you're going to be adding that location to.
  2. Fill out the new location/company information
    1. If you are adding multiple locations to a new or existing location, select multiple locations.
  3. Once you have filled out all of the relevant information for your new location, click the checkmark.
    1. Your new company should appear under the "location details".
  4. Click "Add and your new location will appear in your Network.

Adding locations to your Wholechain account allows you to accurately show your supply chain from start to finish. Each event you record in Wholechain requires you to provide a location most prominently in Ship events where you need an origin location and a location to ship to. In the Network page, your locations will appear in the Locations tab. Under this tab, you will see all locations with their name, what company it is from, its Location/Geocoordinates, and the location's GLN number (if applicable). 

Note: The number of locations you are allotted is dependent on what plan you have. Contact for more details. 

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