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Create a Custom ESG Claim

ESG Claims in Sourceview enable companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability or ethical practices in their supply chains. You can add these claims in the form of visual badges to any Sourceview Profile or Collection. First, you'll create an ESG Claim in Sourceview following the steps below, and then you can add them to a card in any Profile or Collection

Navigate to the Sourceview page on the left-side menu
Click on Actions > Add ESG Claims and a drawer will appear on the right indicating all of the information to fill in: 
Claim Name: Type the name of your Claim that will appear in the card header
Claim Logo: Upload a logo that displays the Claim
Claim Subtitle: This can be an ID number or further elaboration of the Claim
Claim Background Image: Upload an image that would display behind the badge’s logo
Claim Description: (optional) This is where you can describe the ESG Claim in a body paragraph
Finish making the ESG Claim by clicking on Save on the bottom right

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