Transform via CSV Upload

A Transform event documents when any traceable product item is irreversibly changed into another traceable product, either by changing its physical properties, or the modifying the way it is grouped/tracked.

A transformation might occur when raw materials are processed into finished products, or when multiple lots of a certain product are irreversibly combined at a facility, or co-mingled. Wholechain makes sure you'll have visibility into the inputs and outputs that comprise each of these real-world events in the traceability journey.

Here’s how to log a Transform event using a CSV Upload. This enables you to transform any amount of inputs into multiple output items. If you don't transform via CSV Upload, you can always transform into one output item manually

Navigate to the Products page on the left-side menu
Select the product that has the item which you want to transform
Using the checkboxes, select the item(s) you'd like to transform, and click Actions > Transform
An event drawer will appear on the right indicating all of the information you will need to fill in:
  • Location: The location of where the transformation occurs
  • Input Product(s): If you wish to transform only part of an inventory item (for example, if you have one item representing an entire lot of 1000 lbs and you only pick 100 lbs of it for this processing event), edit the quantity of input product you'd like to transform. Use the “+ Add item” button to add more input items
  • Output Product(s): Select the Output Product (click here to learn more about incorporating multiple products in your transform event) 
  • Custom Data Template: Select a template that you've created previously or received from a company in your Network, or else select "None." This will dictate what additional custom data will be collected and written to the blockchain for this event
  • Data Entry Method: Select the CSV Upload option
Click Download CSV Template, and a CSV file will automatically download containing column headers such as Primary ID, quantity date and optional identifiers, as well as additional columns that correspond to the fields from the Template you've selected
Fill in the CSV file with all of the requested data. Every row of data in your CSV file corresponds to each output item of your transformation

Upload the CSV by either dropping the file in the upload field, or clicking Drop Files Here to Upload. Note that the table is editable, so when the data uploads you can make any changes within the drawer 

Click  Log Event on the bottom right corner. If you've transformed the input into a different product, it will automatically disappear from the input product's Current Inventory and instead appear in the Current Inventory page of the output product. If you've transformed it into the same product with a new traceability unit, you'll see it appear in the same list it started in, with its new attributes

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