Edit / share one of my company's locations

Editing one of your company's locations will allow you to make any modifications you may need, including the ability to share the location with other companies in your Network. The companies with whom you share locations will see the location in their Network map, and also be able to select it when shipping items to you.

Note: The Primary address associated with your Company will always be visible to Companies in your Network, even if you did not share it. 

Navigate to your Company’s Settings by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner > Settings
Click on the Locations tab, followed by the Actions icon (⋯) to the right of the location you want to edit. Alternatively you can click on the location name from the table. 
To edit, simply adjust any information in the fields listed
To share with companies in your Network, scroll to the bottom and select companies from the dropdown
Click Save

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