Inviting a Wholechain User to Your Network

In order to optimize your Wholechain experience, through shared products, shared locations, shared templates, etc., you will want to connect with supply chain partners in your Wholechain Network.

The following steps outline how to connect with other Wholechain users under the Network tab:

1. Click the Network tab. Hover over the solid color Action button and select "Invite"

    • NOTE: If you/your company have not setup your own locations, stop and setup your own locations before inviting another user/company to connect. Check out our guide to setting up your locations under the Network tab.

2. Click the type of relationship your trade items have with the user you're connecting with [e.g., Buyer, Supplier, or Third Party]. 

    • NOTE: Buyer's are typically Wholechain users further down your supply chain, while Suppliers are typically higher up your supply chain. Third Party partners could be an auditor or intermediary who has temporary possession of your trade items.

3. Input the Wholechain ID of the user/company you want to connect with. 

    • NOTE: Wholechain ID's are a series of alphanumerical characters separated by dashes [e.g., 00000a00-0b00-00cd-000e-0f000g00hi0j]. This number can be found under the settings tab in the top-right corner of your Wholechain screen under the Account Settings section. You will need the user/company you want to connect with provide their Wholechain ID to you outside of the Wholechain interface.

4. Select the locations from your own company that you want to share with the user/company you are connecting with.

5. Add an optional message to identify yourself to the Wholechain user you are connecting with. Consider adding an optional message reminding the user which locations and what trade items you will be utilizing Wholechain for with their connection.

6. You will see a 'Pending' tag next to the new company/location in your Network tab. The user you invited to connect will receive an email and Wholechain notification that requests their approval to connect. Once they approve the connection, the tag will flip from 'Pending' to 'Wholechain'.

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