Adding a Vessel to Your Network

How To:

  1. Go to your Settings
  2. Under the "Account Settings" tab, find the "Network" box
  3. Switch the Vessels switch over to allow the ability to add vessels as locations in your Network
  4. Go to your "Network" tab in your Wholechain account
  5. Select the company that you will be adding a vessel to
    1. If you are adding a vessel to a new company, select "Add Company/Location" and input the company information
  6. Once you are in a Location/Company's settings, you'll be able to add your vessel
    1. If you're adding a single vessel, fill out the information that comes up initially on the page
    2. If you're adding multiple vessels, select that option and click the checkmark to add as many as needed
  7. Once all this information is filled in, click done.

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