Create a Template

Templates allow you to capture a specific, customized set of KDEs (Key Data Elements) when logging events in your supply chain. This allows you to accurately show the uniqueness of your product's supply chain and align custom data needs across stakeholders. 

Navigate to the  Templates page on the left-side menu
Click on  Actions  Add Template    
Add your Template Title and your blank template will appear in the main table
Click on the template you've just created
Click Add a Row and select the Defined Attribute you want to add. You can start typing to find an existing Defined Attribute, or if it doesn't exist yet, use the + sign to add a new one.  
Keep adding Data Attributes until you are ready to finish your template. To change the order of the Defined Attributes in your template, you can use the three lines on the left to drag and drop the lines
Now your template is ready to be selected when logging events, via the field that appears in all event drawers. You can also share this template with other companies in your Network

Note: You can use the same data template on any event type, but you can also specify which event type the Template was designed for in the title. For example, if the data elements are related to a processing event, you can call it "Transform Template - Heat Treatment"

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