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Commission items manually

A Commission event in Wholechain represents a product coming into existence in the documented supply chain. Commission events occur at the farthest upstream point of the traceability journey - either the point of harvest or the first time that a product is being digitally documented as itself. There are two ways to log Commission events in Wholechain: manually (one line at a time), or via CSV Upload (multiple lines at once). Here's how to do so manually: 

Navigate to the Products page on the left-side menu
Select the product that you want to commission an item of
Click Actions > Commission

Select if you want to use a Custom Data Template to capture additional data elements in the commission. If you do not wish to include custom data, simply select "None."


Under Data Entry Method, Select Manual. Manual data entry only lets you commission one line item at a time, and you’ll need to enter all data fields one at a time


Enter the main event information as well as the information requested by the custom data fields that appear in the bottom of the event drawer


Click Log Event and the item will appear in the Current Inventory tab for the product you've just commissioned. Now the item is ready for the next traceability event in its journey

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