Receive products from a company in your Network

Receive is an event in Wholechain that indicates a confirmation that a Ship record matches the physical product received. You can also start logging a supply chain with a Receive event if the shipper is not yet on Wholechain (learn how here). The recipient also has the option to reject the record, which will notify the sender that the record requires a change before being confirmed to the blockchain.

*Note: On the top right-hand corner of your dashboard, you should see a bell icon that says Notifications when you hover over it. Click the Notifications Button to instantly see shipments that were sent to you that require your attention. You can Receive shipments directly on this page by clicking the blue Receive Button

The following steps allow you to review shipment details and contents before receiving them:

  1. Navigate to the Shipments page on the left-side menu
  2. In the Inbound tab you will see the items shipped from companies in your Network
    1. View any of the Ship event details by clicking on an item. Here you can review the Ship event's KDE’s (key data elements) to ensure their accuracy before receiving
  3. When you're ready to receive the shipment, select the shipment/lot that you want to receive by checking the box immediately to its left
  4. Scroll over the Actions drop-down at the top of the screen and select Receive
  5. You will be prompted to fill out information for the receive event
  6. Click Log Event once entered

*Note: You may reject a shipping event if any information is not accurate. To learn more about rejecting a Ship event record, click here. 

You can only receive items of the same product at one time. For example, if someone shipped you one lot of salmon and one lot of cod, you'll have to receive them in two separate actions. 

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