Add custom data to events

When logging events in Wholechain (all events except for Aggregate and Disaggregate), you have the option to attach custom data via our Templates tool. Adding custom data to events enables you to capture more specific information about the product and its journey that might be relevant to the various trading partners in your Network - for example, data elements associated with a certain certification, sustainability standard or regulation. The template you select upon logging an event will dictate which data elements will be captured, however there are some nuances to adding custom data that we’ll explain in the below scenarios: 

Adding custom data to Commission and Transform events:

For Commission and Transform events, each line of custom data is associated with the output product of the event - either the commissioned or transformed product that results from logging the event. 

Example: A seafood company commissions lot ABC of Sockeye Salmon (1650 lbs) and uses a custom data template, which includes the following data: 

  • Product Form
  • Production Method
  • Vessel ID
  • Product Owner

All of the custom data added to the commission event is associated with lot ABC. After the event is logged onto your selected blockchain, you can view this custom data in the commission’s event details tab for lot ABC. 

Here is a step-by-step guide for how to add custom data to Commission and Transform Events:
Navigate to the Products page on the left-side menu
Select the Product you are Commissioning or Transforming
Click on Actions > Commission/Transform
In the event drawer for your Commission or Transform Event, you will notice a dropdown field called Custom Data Template
Select the Custom Data Template you'd like to associate with the line items of your output product
  • Manual
    • If Manual is selected, you'll notice the custom data elements appear in the custom data block below. The amount of data elements you will need to fill in varies from template to template but each will have required custom data which will need to be entered for the event to be logged. 
  • CSV Upload:
    •  If CSV Upload is selected, you will need to click on the Download CSV Template button which will download a .csv file relating to your preselected template
    • Opening the .csv file will provide you with column headers referring to each data element. From there you will provide your own data below in row according to the Lot. 
    • Once completed, save the file and reopen your browser window and upload your saved .csv file into Wholechain. The custom data will now be uploaded onto Wholechain where you can view and adjust any changes to the custom data. 
Once you are finished filling in the Custom Data click on Log Event. The event(s) will be logged on the selected blockchain and will be available to view under in the corresponding event records

Adding custom data to Ship, Receive and Decommission events: 

For Ship, Receive and Decommission each line of Custom Data corresponds to each line item involved in the event.

ExampleA tuna company is shipping 3 lots of shrimp (Lots A, B and C) from their harvest location in Louisiana to a processing plant in Georgia. The company chooses to use a custom data template for the Ship event. The template they select includes the following data: 

  • Product Owner
  • Tracking number
  • Transporter’s name
  • Original catch date (varies for each lot)

After downloading and opening the .csv file for their selected template, the user can fill in the data for each row, with the additional column headers corresponding to the  custom data elements. Each row will correspond to Lot A, B, and C accordingly. Once saved and uploaded, the user can log the ship event. The tuna company is now able to view the custom data written onto each lot line that was shipped by selecting each of the lots that were shipped. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to add custom data to Ship, Receive, and Decommission Events:
Navigate to the Products or Shipping/Receiving page depending on the type of event you want to add custom data (Products page for Ship or Decommission events, and Shipping/Receiving page for Receive or Batch Ship events)
Select the Lot / Pallet you are Shipping, Receiving, or Decommissioning
Click on Actions > Ship, Receive, or Decommission
In the event drawer for your Commission or Transform Event, you will notice a dropdown field called Custom Data Template
Select the Custom Data Template you'd like to associate with the line items of your output product
  • Manual: 
    • If Manual is selected, you'll notice the custom data elements appear in the custom data block below. The amount of data elements you will need to fill in varies from template to template but each will have required data which will need to be entered for the event to be logged. The same data elements will apply for all the lines of data.
  • CSV Upload: 
    • If CSV Upload is selected, you will need to click on the Download CSV Template button which will download a .csv file relating to your preselected template. 
    • After the download is complete select and open the .csv file If you have selected three items, you’ll need to add data to three rows of the CSV. The CSV columns correspond to the data elements, while the rows correspond to those three items involved in your event. 
    • Once completed, save the file and reopen your browser window and upload your saved .csv file into Wholechain. The custom data will now display in a template in the event drawer  where you can view and make any changes.
Once you are finished filling in the Custom Data click on Log Event. The event(s) will be logged on the selected blockchain and will be available to view under in the corresponding event records

Note: When logging an Internal Ship and Receive event any custom data added to the Internal Ship event will be automatically applied to the following Receive event.

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