Design Elements of Sourceview

When editing your profiles and collections in Sourceview, there are a number of design elements we’ve incorporated into both profile and collection editors that help maximize the storytelling experience within Sourceview: 

  • Logo
    • Your company logo can be added in your brand's settings. Your logo will apply to all of your Sourceview profiles

  • Tab
    • These are the pages of your Sourceview profile or collection, listed in a top navigation line. While the editor starts you off with a few default tabs, these can be changed and fully customized. A tab can be one of three formats, outlined below. 

  • Simple Card Tab
    • This tab is just a series of cards (learn about what a card is below), and can be useful for highlighting information your product, ingredients, brand details, etc. Each card can display an image/video, heading, subheading, body text, or any of the special card features listed further down in this article. 

  • Map Tab
    • This feature in Sourceview allows you to showcase the waypoints along your product's journey with a visual map. For each waypoint, you can add an image, address/coordinates, and text to describe the location. You have the option to enable connected waypoints to show the path of your product's journey from start to end. 

  • Timeline Tab
    • This tab is similar to a simple card tab, but it displays the cards in timeline form, with the connector line on the left-hand side. This is helpful to show step-by-step the process of your product journey from start to end. It often contains similar information as the map tab, but just in timeline form rather than on a map. 

  • List Tab (collections only)
    • This collection-only tab displays a list of your pre-existing sub-profiles included in the collection. For example, it might show a list of all the farmers from that your brand sources from, or a list of the ingredients that comprise your final product. From the list tab, the consumer can click on any of the "Learn More" buttons to be directed to the complete sub-profile. You can hide this tab if you are only using it for the purposes of searching, or display it (controlled in collection settings). 

  • Search Tab (collections only)
    • This collection-only tab consists one card with a search function to look up any related sub-profiles included in the List Tab. The search tags associated with each sub-profile can be specified in the List tab. Users will enter search tags and the resulting sub-profile will display, with the option to link to that page. 

  • Card
    • Each tab in your Sourceview profile or collection is comprised of cards. It is essentially a content block comprised of an image/video, a heading, subheading, and body text. There are also additional features you can add on to the bottom of a card that we'll describe below.

  • Card Feature: Carousel
    • Enables you to show multiple groups of content within one specific card, with arrows to scroll between the content. 

  • Card Feature: Video/Image
    • You have the option to upload a image or video of your choice on each card. 

  • Card Feature: ESG Claims
    • Within your profiles and collections you will have the ability to add any ESG Claims to your products. These enable users to demonstrate their products’ validity with regards to sustainability and social certifications. An ESG Claim appears as a badge displayed within a profile or collection. Sourceview comes with default ESG Claims you may choose from or you can create one of your own.

  • Card Feature: Call to Action
    • Adding a Call to Action adds a button at the bottom of a selected card that will redirect a user to any URL of your choosing.

  • Card Feature: Explainer Text
    • Explainer Text is essentially a link that displays a pop-out of content to further explain any aspect of your company, product, ingredient, or journey further. It could also be used to indicate to a user where to find the lot code on their specific product. 

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