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Company types in Wholechain

There are three basic categories of companies in your Network you can specify when adding them Wholechain:


Suppliers are any upstream company from whom your business receives products. A supplier could be a manufacturer, a farm or another type of company depending on your position in the supply chain. You'll be logging Receive events related to products sent by suppliers. 


Buyers are any downstream company to whom you'll be sending products. They could be a manufacturer, distributor or a retail partner depending on your business' position in the supply chain. You'll be logging Ship events with Buyers as the recipients of the product. 

Third Party: 

A company in your Network that is not a direct trading partner, but rather another type of business contact, such as a Nonprofit, certifying body, or retail brand, would be considered a Third Party in Wholechain. The feature these relationships may utilize is Inventory Access, whereby you can grant access to the Third Parties in a Product's settings. Anyone from the Third Party Wholechain account can then view the current inventory and event record history associated with items of that product.

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