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Add a company to your Network

There are two ways to add companies to your Network: Manual and CSV Upload. This is how you are able to connect to your buyers, suppliers and other trade partners within Wholechain. The below assumes the companies with whom you're connecting have existing Wholechain accounts. You can also add companies to your Network who are not yet on Wholechain, here's how

How to add a single company manually


Navigate to the Network page on the left-side menu


Click on Actions > Add. You will be given the option to choose between two Entry Methods: Manual and CSV Upload; select CSV Upload


Click Download CSV Template and download the template. Once downloaded, download the relevant information.


Since the company you're adding has a Wholechain account, enter an email address associated with their Wholechain account, or their Wholechain ID (the Wholechain ID can be found under a user's Settings > Account Settings)


Select which type of Network Partner they are ( Buyer, Supplier, or Third Party) and click Add Company


After you invite the company to join your Network, the recipient will receive an email and a request in Wholechain to confirm to be added to your Network. As soon as they do, their status will change to Confirmed

How to add multiple companies at once with CSV Upload


Navigate to the  Network page on the left-side menu


Click on  Actions > Add. You will be given the option to choose between two Entry Methods: Manual and CSV Upload; select CSV Upload


Under Wholechain User(s) field, select Yes


Select whether you'd like to associate Defined Attributes with the companies you are adding. You can learn more about Defined Attributes here


Download the CSV Template and fill in the columns of the CSV (Note: you only need an email OR the Wholechain ID of a Wholechain user, it's not necessary to include both.)


Upload the .CSV file by dragging and dropping or finding from your files, and click Add Company.


After you've invited the companies to join your Network, the recipients will receive an email and a request in Wholechain to confirm to be added to your Network. As soon as they do, their status will change to Confirmed.

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